Dear Mom
This is written as a letter to my mom. I may or may not choose to actually share it with her, but this is what I would like for her to know. Dear Mom, I know you worry about me, and it is only natural as a parent. You know that I have been on a journey of deconstruction, though you've never asked me about my experience specifically. You have told me that deconstruction is just a fancy new name for what everyone eventually has to go through when they make their faith their own as teens or young adults. And while that is one way to describe deconstruction, it feels like you are trying to diminish my journey as something childish. Let me assure you, my faith is more mature now than it ever has been. When I was a child, you taught me well about God, Jesus, and the Bible. I remember daily family worships, memorizing verses for Sabbath School, and never missing church attendance. I was fairly young when I started to be very serious about religion and wanting to get baptized. Around the...