
Dear Mom

  This is written as a letter to my mom. I may or may not choose to actually share it with her, but this is what I would like for her to know. Dear Mom, I know you worry about me, and it is only natural as a parent. You know that I have been on a journey of deconstruction, though you've never asked me about my experience specifically. You have told me that deconstruction is just a fancy new name for what everyone eventually has to go through when they make their faith their own as teens or young adults. And while that is one way to describe deconstruction, it feels like you are trying to diminish my journey as something childish. Let me assure you, my faith is more mature now than it ever has been. When I was a child, you taught me well about God, Jesus, and the Bible. I remember daily family worships, memorizing verses for Sabbath School, and never missing church attendance. I was fairly young when I started to be very serious about religion and wanting to get baptized. Around the...

Diamonds and Sparkles and Gold, Oh My!

The next thing I want to write about is how my deconstruction journey began. The problem is... I can't point to a single point in time as the beginning. So I am going to write about one of the first major things that changed for me, and that was my beliefs about jewelry. Now, I had been raised such that jewelry was out of the question, except for a simple wedding band in certain circumstances. (In general even a wedding band was an unnecessary extravagance, but if one of the spouses worked in an environment with "worldly" people who would try to make advances on them, a wedding band was acceptable as a signal that one was "taken".) However, I had always had a fascination with jewelry, whether simply because it was forbidden or because it is sparkly, I can't say. My mom had gone through a "rebellious" phase in her young adulthood and had a jewelry box with some old earrings, her engagement watch, and a few necklaces and rings, and often I would go i...

My Investigative Judgement

Welcome to my blog entitled "The Bubble Bursts: My Journey of Deconstruction and Growth." Let me tell you a little bit about me and what I hope to accomplish with this blog. My background is stanchly Seventh-day Adventist. I am at least 5th generation Adventist and grew up in the denomination. My family was somewhat conservative, although at the time I would have considered us "middle-of-the-road." I have always been interested in spirituality, church history, and theology for as long as I can remember. For my third birthday I received a children's illustrated Bible, and when my mom had her devotions I would sit down with my Bible and "read" with her. During my Primary Sabbath School years (around ages 7-9) I started thinking about baptism. Once I realized that you did not  have to read the entire Bible before getting baptized (which seemed like an impossibly hard task), I got baptized soon after. Due to finances, I did not attend an SDA elementary and...